Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mapping Paradise

Happy to have recieved a laurel today from Bare Bones International Film & Music Festival. My script for an un-produced short film called MAPPING PARADISE was an honorable mention. I'm grateful for the consideration - - big thanks to the organizers!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Invention v. Status Quo

I have a new article up on Glasstire. Here is an excerpt, which follows an idea put by W. H. Auden in his essay "The Dyer's Hand."

"If I make a drawing, then I am, in a sense, committing a political act. I’m communicating to my managers that, at that moment, I am not being managed; I am revealing an aspect of my own conscience in an improvisational way. If I invest my drawing with the authority of my managers, by, say, keeping to the middle-of-the-road expectations of advertisements and the familiar terms of social media, then I am turning myself over again to the status quo. I have not left the norms of control even though the original intention of my drawing was to carry myself past those parameters."

Please see the full article here.